Advanced Space Propulsion CISAS Propulsion Group
Our activity is mainly focused on the design and development of hybrid rocket engines based on paraffin wax. Paraffin wax allows to overcome one of the main limitations of hybrid rockets which is related to the low regression rate and thus the need of a complex and heavy fuel grain. With paraffin wax as fuel, it is possible to develop single port grains, with a very small amount of residuals and thus low inert mass.
Two main test facilities are available for hybrid rockets testing: Small Rockets Lab and Open Air Test Range. The Small Rockets Lab is mainly focused on research activities with motors up to 1kN thrust, and allows the performance verification of a wide variety of prototypes, configurations and functioning concepts. The Open Air Test Range is then dedicated to the test of the final propulsion systems, large motors (more than 20 kN) and long duration tests.
Each facility is organised to permit mounting and installation of motors and hardware, perform tests in full safety condition and acquire performance data.
The design and optimization of hybrid rockets can benefit of a powerful istrument: the CFD simulation of many different functional parameters. Thanks to this kind of numerical approach, a large number of technical solutions can be verified just prior to the experimental tests, with a considerable saving of time and costs. Simulations are performed using both commercial and custom codes.
We are currently involved in the SPARTAN Program, funded by the EC in the frame of the 7th Framework program. The program is coordinated by Thales Alenia Space Italy. (
Our main research lines are:
(i) improvement of numerical capabilities
(ii) Injection
(iii) Propellant development
(iv) TVC
(v) Oxidizers