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Daniele Pavarin

He Is the group leader. He has been coordinating several project both in Plasma Thruster and Hybrid Rockets. He is also Associate Professor at Padua University. He is also the major caos maker of the group

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The propulsion Group

Francesco Barato

He is PhD in Space Systems and is the group leader of the hybrid rocket team.

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Hybrid Motors Team

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Martina Faenza

She is PhD student in Space Systems. Her activity is focused on the design and development of laboratory experiments to simulate hydrogen Peroxide Hybrid Rockets.

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Nicolas Bellomo

He is PhD in Space Systems and is specialist in rocket system design development and testing.

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Federico Moretto

Responsible for experimental activities on hybrid rockets: hardware design, procurement, mounting and testing, facilities arrangement and logistics coordination.

M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering and Ph.D. in Space Science Technology for Space at University of Padua.

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Marta Lazzarin

She is PhD in Space System and is specialist in CFD simulations for rocket applications and Space Systems

Plasma Thrusters Team

Marco Manente

He is an external collaborator and the coordinator of the plasma Group. He holds a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Space Science and Technology from University of Padova. His research activity focuses on Plasma Physics and Particle-In-Cell codes.

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Davide Melazzi

He holds a M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering and a Ph.D. in Space Science and Technology from University of Padova.  His research activity focuses on full-wave and WKB modelling of electromagnetic interaction of antennas and plasmas. 

He collaborates with ENEA-EURATOM (Frascati) and TU/e Eindhoven (the Netherlands).

Andrea Lucca Fabris

He holds a M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering and he is a Ph.D. in Space Science and Technology at Univeristy of Padova.  He has been a Visiting Student Researcher at Stanford University. His research is focused on the experimental characterization and numerical simulation of advanced plasma sources for space propulsion applications.

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Fabio Trezzolani

He holds a M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering and he is a Ph.D. Student in Space Science and Technologyy.His main areas of activity are: design, development and operation of RF plasma sources for aerospace and industrial applications, design and development of plasma diagnostic systems, plasma source and thruster experimental characterization, operation of high vacuum systems.

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Franco Bosi

He holds a M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering and he is a Ph.D. Student in Space Science and Technology. His research activity focuses on plasma chemistry

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Tobias Knop

Being an exchange Aerospace Engineering MSc. student from TU Delft (The Netherlands) he brings experience from being propulsion lead of DARE's Stratos II rocket.

He works on the design and construction of a multi degree of freedom test bed for thrust vector control experiments.

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