Advanced Space Propulsion CISAS Propulsion Group
We support in general Master theses and PhD theses. Even if it is not common, we also support Bachelor theses for students willing to face interesting and demanding problems. The time required for a Master thesis is in general between 5 and 7 months. Our theses are normally focused on an applicative contest, thus providing challenges and interesting experiences. PhD theses require three years of study and reasearch on a specific topic. Our theses are always related to state of the art science and technology, providing strong challenges and great occasions to learn how to perform cutting edge researches.
Several theses are available focused on hybrid rockets simulation and testing.
We have available codes which have been internally customized and two test facilities allowing tests up to 20 kN of thrust.
We have also links with foreign Universities and Research institutes giving the possibility of performing collaborative theses.
We perform research on the characterization of propulsion subsystems, as propellant tanks, flow lines and valves.
Numerical and experimental theses are available on these issues.
We have analytical and numerical models for a detailed characterization of propagation and absorption phenomena of electromagnetic waves in anisotropic media (e.g., plasma). Several theses are now available.
Thesis topics are:
plasma source analysis and optimization (Industrial and Space)
plasma antenna analysis and design (SAR, GPS, Communications)
plasma-wave interaction (Physics investigation)
plasma and antenna codes optimization (Parallelization and HPC)
Collaborations with ENEA-EURATOM (Frascati) and TU/e (Eindhoven, the Netherlands) can be considered depending on the students' interests.