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Aerospace propulsion Course


Laboratory of Aerospace Propulsion 


PhD Thesis at PhD course on Space Technology and Measurement of CISAS



We support Aerospace Companies through on-demand Numerical and Experimental Services



​Design and development of Hybrid Rocket Motors.

Design and development of Electric Thrusters based on Helicon Technology 

The Space Propulsion Group of the Center for Studies and Activities for Space CISAS (G.Colombo) of Padua University started its activity in 2006. 


The group operates in two main areas: Hybrid Rocket Propulsion and Plasma Propulsion

In both fields we design, develop and test propulsion systems. The approach, which is common both for chemical rockets and plasma thrusters, is based on deeply inter-correlated numerical and experimental activities in order to understand the physics involved and to use it to obtain an efficient and stable propulsion system. 


We have specific test beds to test plasma thrusters and hybrid rockets. Moreover, we have implemented a kit of original codes which are used to support thrusters and rockets design and development.


In the field of Hybrid Rockets we have specific experience on paraffin wax as a fuel and we flew, up to now, the largest paraffin based HRM. 


In the field of Plasma Thrusters we have led an European Consortium in the design and development of the first European Helicon Plasma Thruster.





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