Advanced Space Propulsion CISAS Propulsion Group
Our team is able to design develop and test plasma thruster and plasma source based on Radio Frequency Technology. We have in-house developed codes to analyze wave propagation into plasma and the evolution of plasmas subjected to Electromagnetic wave. Moreover we have developed also a specific technology which allow for high power coupling and easy tuning starting from a low power regime (10 W).
Why Helicon Technology?
They are much simpler than other propulsion systems (no neutralizer, no electrodes, a single feeding line, a single power line, low erosion rate, simpler PPU).
They are versatile (easy operation with different propellants, smart geometrical configurations).
Our Technology
We have developed an innovative type of Helicon Technology (S-Helicon) . Our antennas are operated without matching box. The minimum power regime is of just few Watts
Helicon Thruster
Developed in the frame of FP7 research program (
Performances : Power 50 W, Isp 1350 s, Thrust 1.5 mN Mass 1 kg, Propellant Argon
Development status: Performances are under confirmation on a second facility
TRL: 4-5
5 laboratory models have been developed and tested
2 Engineering model have been developed and tested
EM underwent vibration testing
Remaining work to be performed
Development of final qualification model
Cold start tests
Short life time tests ( 1000 Hours)
Thermo vacuum and vibration testing
Plasma Thruster and Plasma Sources
Industrial plasma
The technology developed in our laboratory is very suitable also for industrial applications since it allows for good coupling on a broad regime, easy power management without matching box, and compact dimensions.
We have also developed a moveable plasma source for surface treatment and a set-up for to generate ambient pressure plasmas.