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The Aerospace Laboratory is a course specifically conceived to put students in an operative situation on which they have to face real practical problems. The idea behind this course is, as far as possible, to simulate a real working situation, to give student the opportunity to train them self in facing practical problems

Content of the laboratory course change year by year. In the 2013-2014 edition students have been divided in two groups, one focused on the study of problems related to a sounding rocket, the other focused on performing numerical simulation on plasma thrusters. 
The group working on the sounding rocket topic have been then divided into sub-groups facing problems from external aerodynamics, structural behavior, thermal protection and trajectory optimization.


Papers retrieved on international journal and conferences are provided to students as a starting point. Moreover, as in the real working environment , students are encouraged to retrieve them self more information about the specific problem they are facing. 

Students prepare a report regarding the work they have performed. The report can be prepared by several students together if they have cooperated in a group. Moreover students also prepare an individual Power Point presentation about the job they have done ( individually).

The exam is a discussion of the report and of the individual presentation. 

The final vote is a combination between the evaluation of the report and the presentation.

Aerospace laboratory

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